Pretty much broken. The crayons dont seem to do anything, the previous/next page sounds are awful and the style isn't exactly amazing.
Pretty much broken. The crayons dont seem to do anything, the previous/next page sounds are awful and the style isn't exactly amazing.
Thank You for your feedback,
I have tested the crayons and they do still appear to work
and i will change the sound effects as-well
there are many spelling issues (like: residentual) and some bugs (cant open the food and drinks menu in leisure), and the leaderboard seems to be broken :/
also, the game is really dull to play at the moment, at this point I'm just maxing out my income to climb broken leaderboards (at this point I have around 4100 residents and I'm still not anywhere to be seen). also, how exactly does it know what your username is if you get on the leaderboard?
anyways, it is a fun game although the loading takes a long time. also maybe you should fix your website, it sends an "invalid response", dunno why, anyways 3.5 stars
Thank you very much for writing all of that, it is greatly appreciated. I am now aware of the bugs and will work on that straight away. The issue im having at the moment is 50% say it's too hard and 50% say it's too dull and easy 😅. I my going to rework the number for the next update.
Again I just want to say a big thank you for your comment 🙏
If it doesn't work on mobile, put that in the project settings. Also why that "Linux support" and "Mac" tag, it makes no sense, since any user with a modern browser could play this. (If you're doing that because of that you can download it for that platform, just put it at the download link...)
testing on pc later
Edit: it's just a different setting in the compiler, for the downloadable edition, and this is the web edition, just remove it before people get confused. -1 star hehehe.
so you want to block phone players now, then put that in the project settings (on newgrounds ofc). also please learn english
I create desktop edition beacuse in browser Is game very laggy And desktop edition Will has mod support.(btw phone edition maybe come to thé game next update)
hey, uhh, is there a way that i can redo the dutch translation? honestly it looks horrible
...and i've changed google accounts, btw.
Sure, I contact you on the weekend (probably sunday) again. Have a lot to do currently, but thanks for the help :)
really unrealistic. you cant just go left/right when its spinning.
Which Specific Part?
what programming language did you use?
Don't laugh, I used clickteam
nice game!
ty (How to make this game in A potato?)
ah yes, Michaelsoft® Binbows®, the best operating system ever created
Mikeintosh OS can't stand a chance against this one!
the player hitbox is kinda broken. and shooting with LMB is annoying and doesnt always shoot when clicked.
also, if everything looks pixelated, why does the death effect not look like that?
This was an beginner project I made in GameMaker and the effects in that engine aren't really pixelated, so that's why. I'll change the controlls and hitbox. The not always shooting-problem should be because of the HTML5-export. I'll fix the problems, thank's for the feedback!
Edit: Fixed your problems! Try it out if you want!
I program stuff. I work mostly on my website, but I also work on MosOS2. :D
Age 3, Male
Programming :D
The Sewers
The Netherlands
Joined on 3/16/24